Latest News
Well, the season has come to an end, and we have had our final meeting of the year. That meeting was our annual meeting held in November. There were a number of topics that were discussed, but I want to give you all a synopsis of what was discussed and what will be happening in the future based off of this meeting.
With the discussions that we had during this meeting, it has created a change in SOPs for the Board. The main one that will take place is that we will be sure to send out the agenda for the meeting a week in advance and allow our members to add notes that can be discussed during the meeting. If we do not have those agenda points added to the agenda, we can briefly discuss but nothing can be done about them. We need to be sure that anything that needs to be voted on can go through the Board to create the wording for the association to discuss and potentially vote on.
As always, our Board is here for our players. If you have any questions and or concerns, please contact any of the board members. We want you to know that we will do our best to answer those questions and address any concerns as soon as we can. We cannot get better and adjust our team or our association if we are not given the opportunity to discuss any issues with you. I am always willing to meet up with any of our members.
Thanks for your support and being a part of the best association in town.
Bill Detmar
BRMA President
[email protected]
- There is a by law being introduced to finalize the entry procedures and qualifications for the Member Guest Tournament. We have the basic verbiage but need to finalize what will officially be entered into the by-laws, which will be taken care of for next year.
- The association asked about the process to remove a board member from the board. We were asked to put a clearer process into the by-laws. There are 2 factors that will go into this.
- Step 1 will be the criteria needed for removal.
- Step 2 will be the process if the criteria is met.
- The board will create a basic by-law that we will address with the association to vote on during a spring meeting that was requested.
- All of this will be done with the understanding that we are customers of the golf, and they do have final say in all matters that we are both involved in.
- There was also a discussion about the duration of membership from those members that join our association after being a member of a different association.
- Essentially if a player joins our club but is already a member of a different association and has already paid their IGA Dues, then we only charge them the amount that we collect. In general, we now will track that member, and they will be held to the same length of time as our IGA members, which is a calendar year, not an annual year.
- There was also a discussion about an optional hole in one pot. This will not be run by the Board, but we will send out the information for those that wish to join and the details of how to be a part of this later once it is finalized.
With the discussions that we had during this meeting, it has created a change in SOPs for the Board. The main one that will take place is that we will be sure to send out the agenda for the meeting a week in advance and allow our members to add notes that can be discussed during the meeting. If we do not have those agenda points added to the agenda, we can briefly discuss but nothing can be done about them. We need to be sure that anything that needs to be voted on can go through the Board to create the wording for the association to discuss and potentially vote on.
As always, our Board is here for our players. If you have any questions and or concerns, please contact any of the board members. We want you to know that we will do our best to answer those questions and address any concerns as soon as we can. We cannot get better and adjust our team or our association if we are not given the opportunity to discuss any issues with you. I am always willing to meet up with any of our members.
Thanks for your support and being a part of the best association in town.
Bill Detmar
BRMA President
[email protected]